Sunday, March 25, 2012

A week of milestones!

We have had quite a week filled with some pretty exciting milestones and events for both my girls!

On St. Patrick's Day, I was getting Maggie ready for bed and Molly was fussing. She had on cute St. Patrick's Day jammies, with a shamrock on her butt that said, "My First St. Patrick's Day!" I was getting Maggie dressed and all of a sudden I look over and see a cute butt! Yay for Molly!!!

First time she rolled over, 3-17-12!

She is loving her new found movement! She goes from back to tummy and tummy to back, before I know it she will figure out if she keeps rolling she can get to her sister!

On Thursday night, we were getting ready to leave my mom's and I started playing peek-a-boo with Molly. All of a sudden her smiles and sqeals, turned to giggles! Amazingly I was able to capture it on video!

On Wednesday we took Maggie bowling for the first time and she loved it! It was so cute how excited she got just to see the ball go down the lane, it didn't matter if it hit any pins. My favorite was her little bowling shoes!

She had just let the ball go for the first time!

Cutest little bowling shoes!

Yesterday and today Maggie has had button down cardigans on. Today she was so proud when she figured out how to get the whole thing buttoned! I was pretty amazed! I love her persistence! She spent the better part of the day trying to do it. Then she continued to unbutton and button over and over! I was amazed that the first time was perfect!

So proud of herself!

My little girls had a big week! For me it is bittersweet to see them growing up. I wish I could push pause and keep them tiny forever...but only the good moments! ;D Looking at these pictures I am filled with such joy and pride! I must be doing something right.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pay it forward...

Remember those moments as a new mom (or dad witnessing them), when your emotions were all over the place and your husband bringing you the wrong burp cloth sent you into hysterics. Or having someone hold the door for you made you feel like they just gave you the moon. I remember these moments with both my girls. With Maggie, I had no idea what I was doing when it came to breast feeding. I called a friend and had her talk me off the proverbial ledge. When I hung up the phone, I thought to myself how wonderful it was to have the help of another mom and hoped that one day I could pay it forward. Tonight was my chance...

I was in the formula/breast pump aisle at Target tonight with my huge stack of formula coupons for all the different brands. I was trying to decide what to use and what to leave on the shelf for someone else. I nurse and we only use formula occasionally, so my 5 coupons that expire next week were a bit excessive. While I was debating Enfamil versus Similac, I overheard a very young, new mom talking on the phone to her mom. She had a very teeny, tiny baby girl...days old and possibly premature. She was trying not to cry, but tears were streaming down her cheeks. She was saying she wasn't sure she had enough money to get the breast pump stuff and formula and she didn't know what things to get. When she hung up, I offered her my Enfamil coupons that can be combined and add up to a can of formula. She was so grateful; I was surprised she did not break down in the aisle! I then helped her get the breast pump stuff she needed. I walked away thinking nothing of it. That is just what we do,\ a community of moms helping each other out any way we can. Maggie asked me what I gave her and I told her coupons to help buy formula. She replied, "That’s sweet mommy!" I didn’t even realize she had been watching the whole thing, taking in and hopefully learning how to pay it forward.

That new mom has a long road ahead of her. I hope my little bit of help tonight made her journey a little easier and one day, she can pay forward too!

I will leave you with a picture that makes me smile!

My chunky monkey, Molly, so happy to be outside!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Capturing a moment...

Both my girls are sick...again! I got them all dressed up and cute on St. Patrick's Day and wanted a cute happy picture. I took many, but of course, as all my momma friends know, it is nearly impossible to get a decent picture of both kids!

Here are the attempts...

1st attempt...Baby not happy!!!

2nd attempt was close, but Momma thought we could do better

3rd Attempt…Maggie is always a struggle to get to look and of course Molly still sad!

4th attempt…Blurry and not looking

5th attempt...Hoping a nuk would help!

There were others, but it was when I was trying to decide what one to post that I saw this picture and my heart melted. I realized that it is not about the smile; obviously the moments where they are both happy and looking at the camera are not truly sincere. They were crabby and not feeling good. I look at this picture and I see my sweet Maggie who loves her baby sister so much. She was trying to calm her down and all the while I was feeling annoyed that she wasn't looking and I again missed a sweet sister moment. I love my girls! I am happy I captured this picture and will have it forever to look back on and remember the real moment!

My sweet girls!

Monday, March 12, 2012

My Sweet Maggie Clare Rowan Moore

As I was watching my Maggie tonight I thought my heart was going to burst! I was so filled with love and pride. I can't believe that in less than 3 months I will have a 3 year old. She is becoming so grown up. Tonight she got herself completely dressed, shirt and all! Then she sat next to her sister and 'played with her'! This kept Molly happy so I could actually eat dinner before 10pm! Whenever Molly would fuss because Maggie stopped talking to her, Maggie would say, "it's okay darlin' Mommy's here!"...referring to herself! :)

My Maggie came into this world on May 25th, 2009! She was a hard pregnancy, but the easiest baby in the world! She slept through the night by 5 weeks, before that she gave me two 6 hour stretches! She smiled at 9 days, laughed by 4 weeks! She was always happy, rarely cried! Then she turned 1! This is when the independence started. I realize now that it was always there, but before a year it was just things that made my life easier. She did not like to be held for too long, she was content sitting on the floor with toys for long periods of time, preferring to be left alone and showing annoyance when I would try and play with her. I see now that this is how she was made, a very independent little girl. Anything she can do to be more independent she does. There are times I find this characteristic in my Maggie, frustrating, annoying and time consuming, but I remind myself of how great they are too! It may take her 15-20 minutes to get herself dressed, but she does it! She is also very persistent, not giving up a task. When I was pregnant with Molly, I recall one evening fighting with her to get her jammies on. "I do it myself," was repeated over and over. I was a very tired mommy and did not have it in me to fight! Then the light bulb went on! I don't have to fight her if I just let her try. The things that are hard for her to do now are only going to get easier with practice and then my life will be that much easier!

My Maggie playing happily by herself at 9 months

When I think about the future and what my little independent girl will be like, I half shutter and half smile! I know she will give me a run for my money during those teenage years! But I feel comfort in thinking that she is a strong little girl, who will not let anyone push her around. She is not a follower, she has a mind of her own and she makes sure we all know it! Those are the qualities that are going to build an amazing person. It may make my life a little challenging throughout the journey, but I am sure the end result is going to be pretty amazing! :D

I love you Maggie Clare! You make me smile every day! :D

Sweet sweet Maggie!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Blankie girls

This morning I was snuggling my girls in my bed and I realized something. I have 2 blankie girls! They both have blankies that make them smile...which is what was happening this morning. They love them so much! The world would come to an end if we lost one... at least in our house. If we need to park the stroller somewhere and leave it unattended for a period of time, I grab the blankies! The stroller we can replace, but not the blankies!!!

Molly and Maggie snuggling there blankies in my bed this morning.

My Molly has 3 blankets that we rotate for washing and OCD Momma likes it to match her outfit. ;) She has a purple one that was the original one that I have wrapped her in since day one. This one has the most sentimental meaning to me. I then got her a pink one and a white one to match different outfits and we have back-ups. It is just a soft chenille blanket from Target, nothing fancy, no one made it for her, but when she gets crabby she needs that blankie next to her face to calm her down. She also needs it over her face to go to sleep! I am not sure if this will be her forever blankie, but I do know now that it makes her happy!
Molly with the blanket over her face so she can fall asleep!

My Maggie's blanket addiction started when she was about 2 months old. She had her first ear infection and was a huge Momma's girl. The only way I could let anyone else hold her was to have them hold something with my smell. This is where I admit I too am a blankie girl. I gave my blankie to Maggie when I wasn't around. My blanket has evolved over the years. My aunt made me a blanket when I was born that I used until it disintegrated in high school. It was at this point I started using the top sheet of my jersey knit sheets. I had two sheet sets, one I cut in half to make it smaller for travel. Maggie's blankies or nigh-nighys, as she calls them, grew from this. At first it was the pillow case and then went to one blanket that now has a "stinky knot" that she chews on as she falls asleep. Now she has the 2 halves that would make a full sheet. She has always had to fall asleep with one on each side of her face, so there was always something there when she turned her face. She told me she likes when they are cold and soft. :) When her nigh-nighy in the wash she has mine to use. When she is sick, sad or hurt it is the first thing she asks for. When she was nervous about Momma leaving her in ECFE she had her nigh-nighy to help her through. And just like her Momma, she will have it when someone at school hurts her feelings or she when gets her heart broken for the first time. Blankies are always there to help it hurt just a little less. Just like Mommas, except blankies can fit in backpacks...just in case and blankies can stay by our side through the night when we are away from home. Blankies are really quite magical. One day she may decide she doesn't need it anymore and that is okay, but until then I will pack that full-size blue sheet with its gross corner tattered and stained from all the chewing, so she has it everywhere we go...just in case. And that make me smile! :D

Maggie laying on her "nigh-nighys" when she was sick a few weeks ago.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Feeling Domestic Today...

I realized today that it is not cooking that I hate, but the mess it makes in my kitchen. I have a bit of OCD about cleaning, especially in the kitchen! I was making lunch today (Hamburger Helper Lasagna) and realized I don't mind making a meal, it is the mess it leaves behind that I dread. I especially feel this way after working all day. I worked full-time until 6 months ago and the thought of coming home and making dinner and then cleaning it up was something I dreaded. Now that I am home, I don't mind it. However, with my sweet little baby, I never seem to have enough time to cook, eat and clean up the mess before a feeding or nap is needed. My husband was home today so I was able to make lunch, clean it up and get a crock pot dinner started. I am going to have to learn to let the messes go! Crock pot cooking helps...

I wanted to share my recipe for the dinner that I found on Pinterest. It is so easy! Here is the link to the recipe for Hawaiian BBQ Chicken! It is a really good! Spicier then I expected, but still really good and so easy. I might try it with a different sauce next time!

After my domestic dayof cooking, decided to bake some delicious mint chocolate brownies! Here is the link to that recipe. I added 2 tsp of mint extract cause I didn't think 1 was enough. When I normally make mint brownies all I do is substitute the water in the box mix for Creme de Menthe. I also did that with these. I added a little extra Oreos cause I didn't think the recipe called for enough! This is my new favorite dessert!!! So delicious!!!

I hope these super easy recipes brighten your day! They made mine a little better!!! :D

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

St. Patrick's Day craft

I work as a nanny 2 days a week. Yesterday we made a cute craft for St. Patrick's Day. I like to use the kids hand prints in a craft once a month so you can watch them grow. This one is super simple. First you should know a shamrock has 3 petals, not 4. The reason behind this is St. Patrick used the shamrock to teach the Irish about Christianity and the Holy Trinity. The three petals are the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I painted their hands green, placed them down 3 times on white paper. Then I cut the hands out in petal shapes and glued them on green paper and added a stem.

Super cute artwork to and a way to keep track of your little ones growth! :D

Family Days Make Me Smile!!!

A year ago my husband got the best news of his least job related! He was assigned to his dream position. My husband is in law enforcement and I became very spoiled by his old assignment that was Monday-Friday, 9-5. When he moved to this new assignment a year ago he went to a totally irregular schedule, working nights and weekends. I am home alone with the girls at night most of the time. The other day a friend asked me if I get upset when I am the one getting up in the middle of the night all the time. Though it is hard, I really don't have much of a choice. I just do what I have to do to take care of my little girls. I can say that when he is home he helps a lot!

Since our family days are few and often filled with obligations to grandparents or doctors appointments or running errands, it is wonderful when we have a day like we had today. Today we had an appointment at JC Penny to have the girls pictures taken. We spent the afternoon getting the girls ready and headed out to the mall. We were actually early and had plenty of time to get organized. Momma's stress level was low which helped my girls take cute pictures! The pictures turned out great, I can't wait to share them. After the pictures we wandered the mall a bit and then decided head to Perkins for a family dinner. *Mommy tip for eating out with a 2.5 year old and 3 month old: We order Maggie's food right away and have her eat first. She is a slow eater, so this also means we don't have to sit forever, risking a baby meltdown. My Molly eats every 2 hours...not long enough! I have mastered the art of breastfeeding Molly discreetly at the table while we wait for our food. By the time my food arrives I have 2 happy, full girls and can enjoy my meal! (BIG SMILE!) After dinner we headed home for movie time. We all snuggled together on the couch to watch Shrek. Now my girls are tucked into their bed I am snuggled up with the love of my life 'watching' Star Wars episode 4. I would rather blog and scroll Pinterest, but he is happy, so I am happy!

*SIGH* Wonderful day=Very Happy Momma=Great Big Smile!!!

Tonight's picture is Adam and Maggie at Perkins. She loves her daddy so much it makes my heart smile! :D

Monday, March 5, 2012

My Baby is 3 months!!!

My little baby was born 3 months ago today! I can't believe how fast time has gone. My little Molly Grace has brought so much joy into all of all lives! I spent most of the day feeling sad that my baby was already 3 months. I took some time for me to see the joy!

My joy of the day happened tonight during bath time. I was trying to rush through bath time tonight. Typically Maggie has a bath and then Molly has a separate bath in the baby tub or a shower with Mommy or Daddy. Tonight I didn't want to go through 2 baths, so I put Molly in the tub with Maggie (holding onto her the whole time!) Molly is getting stronger and was able to sit pretty well and face her sister. While I was quickly washing Molly I heard the cutest almost giggle come out of her and realized that she was looking at her sister who was playing peek-a-boo with her. A moment that I wish I could have captured on camera because it was so cute. I took a breath and slowed down. Life goes quick enough without me rushing things. Tonight I almost missed a moment I hope to never forget!

My message of the day...remember life moves fast enough without us rushing through it! My girls are growing too fast! I want to push pause and soak it in. Tonight during bath, I paused to soak it in.

I leave you with a picture of my 3 month old smiling at her sister who was standing next to me!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Getting Started...

I am finally doing this! I have been wanting to share little bits of my life that make me happy and hopefully others as a way to pay it forward!

My first moment of happiness to share involves my 2.5 year old Maggie. She spent 2 nights at Gamma's house and came home tonight. I did not realize until we were reunited how much we both needed to miss each other! We spent a better part of the evening snuggling and as Maggie was saying, "laughing togefer!" The highlight of it all..."Mommy can I have some yogurt?" "Sure, Maggie!" While sitting on my lap holding my face, "really mommy? Oh, your so sweet mommy! What I do without you, I just don't know!"

Hope that puts a smile on your face today! :D

*Picture taken tonight! I love that sweet face!*